Savanna of Werth
Journey of the Ruler
The rise of Dignity requires mastering strength on behalf of sovereignty. This work takes place in the hottest places where conflicts abound and carnage can be expected. Arid lands focus attention on the sparse waters at a narrow gorge, the River of Will.
How to rule at the River of Will?
Withholding empathy appears to be a necessary first step to take the heat, to forge greatness from the molten capacity within, and to wield genuine power. But once mobilizing the required force to rule this River, one is soon tasked to care more, not less, for others. Self love demands nothing less. Cultivating deep responsibility for those ruled by you, becomes the overarching mission.
The Calling of Dignity
All Moods are fleeting but you would make an integrated home for six of them.
The Deserters
Kings and Queens of emotional cutoff, these two Fera guard the entrance to the a vast fortress within.
Despondent Manatee paints the world in drab monochrome. Her unbridled sensitivity touches into an archaic tension that has prolonged centuries without change. All actions serve one master command: retreat!
Indignant Condor responds to the world’s endless annoyances with a quick and vicious counterstrike of Fury. As the dam bursts and mayhem ensues, sensitivity closes down. Primal energies have confiscated a willing agent for destruction.
Residents at The River of Will
Passion in the service of self, these two Fera finesse the required distance between I and Them.
Daring Cheetah appears kin to Condor in his tendency toward bold, self absorbed high energy displays. But big shifts occur as his energy goes toward instead of away from obstructions. Actualizing the sensitivity of the Manatee, Cheetah reveals the world in full color and is enfolded with an uninhibited desire for it.
Passion throbs within the stoic heart of the Determined Wildebeest. With his audacious companion Cheetah at the ready, Wildebeest seeks for more sustaining energies. The fury of the Condor has been quelled. The avoidance of the Manatee has been halted in its tracks. In their place, the discipline of a fixed attention directs Wildebeest toward his own voracious goals.
The Igniters
Affection promotes connection, these Fera offer kindling for the world’s much needed combustion.
Dolphin offers the hard won gift of meeting, joining, and playing within an explosive world. The forces fought in the past, find sudden surprising alignments. Though dangers are still afoot, Dolphin is fearlessly open and vulnerable in the community of newfound comrades.
Bold energies have been tamed and shaped in the service of self acceptance. Bat finds delight in the embrace of their first and last best friend; the Self. For those organized by the search for Dignity, Bat represents the ultimate model of loving autonomy and self respect.
Personas of Dignity
Driven by the imperative to Be Strong, these “three mood combos” help to reconcile opposing moods.
The Fixer
At the core of the Fixer sidles the instinct to avoid intimacy and hide.
Masking withdrawal with one call to action after another may seem to create more conflict than solution.
But out of such conflicts come unexpected opportunities for kinship.
Heart Breaker
High flying pirouettes grace the sky creating spectacles of furious, beating wings.
Such wild absolutisms require a brave soul to inhabit them on solid ground.
Each wavering step, a chance to give artful expression to ineffable desires.
What’s spoken for the heart is not always meant to last.