I am Brown Bear -
My Mood is Calm
Habitats join to create Provinces.
You know these as the Personas that control your actions in the world.
I am Brown Bear -
My Mood is Calm
Habitats join to create Provinces.
You know these as the Personas that control your actions in the world.
You’ve seen how each Rock, Vegetation, and Water element has its own signature Genius Loci. These are felt not as Moods but as the actual circumstances of an environment.
A Province occurs each time three Genius Loci come together. In your world, you experience Provinces as Personas. They don’t arise within you like Moods. Instead they take place outside of you, like a costume or a mask that you must wear.
Each Province feels like a familiar landscape, a familiar place you tend to end up in, a familiar way you are perceived by others.
For example:
The Province of The Genius can be found in the place where the following environmental circumstances are involved:
Intrigue is Summoned
In But Not Of This World
Finding Balance in Play
In your world, as you don the attributes of The Genius, you are transported into the Genius Loci of one of 18 Provinces located in the Menagerie. This will put you in close proximity of other Personas native to those habitats.
Select 1 of the following 18 Personas/Provinces that you feel represent how you are seen by others.
Then explore which other Provinces share one of the Genius Loci of that Province.
Add two Personas that are currently active in your behaviors to your Personal Menagerie.
Next Level →
After you have selected two Personas that fit with how you are perceived by others, follow me and we will look at the Values and Quests that comprise your True Self.
Level 3