Family Wellbeing Counseling


Mood Oracle

Tile Matching Game

Resigned Macaque.png

Guided Ages

Age of Naming - 3 min activity

Age of Tels - 3 min activity

Age of Whispers - 3 min activity

Age of Shadow - 30 min game

Age of Menageries - 30 min game

Ferus Tel Game (50 min game)

There are Five Guided Ages to be visited prior to the Game of FERUS TEL.

Each Age teaches basic ways to interact with the tiles.

You will also be introduced to an online platform where you can interact with others.


Age of Naming

Naming is the way we “adopt” Fera we want to know better.

Here we make first contact with the Ferus,

roaming free with no awareness of one another,

wandering untamed a fragmented domain.

The land and sea of their homes lay shrouded in fog.


Scroll through the Ferus Gallery above and select two of the Ferus whose features catch your attention.

Give each of your adopted Fera a name.

If they were talking to each other, what are they saying?



About Age of Naming: Adopting Moods

The 36 Ferus are designed to help us identify a full range of moods within the human experience. By laying out the full set and looking at the images without words associated with them, a number of hidden moods are evoked. The stage is set for pleasant and unpleasant feelings alike to be approached with an attitude of radical acceptance.

Age of Tels →

After you have met the FERUS and adopted two Fera that you find relatable, follow me and I’ll teach you how to track the Tels that connect them.

Level 2
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