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My Compasses
In the Menagerie, we don’t use words to talk like you do in your world.
We RESONATE with each other.
We can only RESONATE with animals that share a similar habitat.
Then we can connect with each other through Song Lines.
First I will show you how to see your adopted animals’ habitats.
You can use my Compass to locate friends that RESONATE with them.
Then I will guide you to connecting them through Song Lines.
Every animal’s Habitat is represented by symbols showing the levels of Rock, Vegetation, and Water within their Mood environment.
When you can match common Habitat symbols between different cards, they will form Song Lines of resonance between those animals.
On the physical full deck of cards, these symbols are shown on the backs of each card.
With the online deck of cards, the symbols are shown when hovering your mouse over each card.
Compass 2 : Song Line Riding
Activity: Riding the Song Lines between adopted animals
Part One
You will require multiple open tabs on your screen for this activity.
Begin here to start downloading your Personal Menagerie Table in another tab (may take a few minutes to load)
While it loads, select your Three Adopted Animals below and observe the unique features of their habitats.
Open Song Line Rider . Find three new animals that share similar habitat features as your Adopted Animals. Adopt them by giving them names and adding them to your sheet of paper.
Now go to your Personal Menagerie Table and drag all six of your adopted animals into the center of the table.
When complete, return here and go to Instructions for Part Two
About Activity 2: Following Song Lines
Knowing the names for your moods helps us see them as they rise and depart. We need these common names if we are going to share our feelings with each other.
It’s also good to see that there are forces at play that connect one mood to the next. We don’t need to understand those forces to appreciate their power. Playing with patterns evident in the Song Lines between animals points us toward our intuitive sense that Moods are but the tip of the surface to something bigger going on.