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True Self Territory of Service

The Discret Canyons

All Moods are fleeting but you would make an integrated home for six of them.

When you arrive at a sense of homeostasis with the six animal moods of

The Discret Canyons, you will embody Conscious Service in your life.

Taming them involves taking a deeper dive in the Advanced Menagerie

and inquiring into how each Mood shows up in your personal experiences.

Critical to a Life of Service is to have your Ingratiating Porcupine collaborate with your Aloof Meerkat.




Help your Passionate Bat interface with its shadow, your Indignant Condor.


Find the right relationship between your Deprived Stoat and your Optimistic Fawn.



Working together, all serve unique roles in an integrated path toward a

Life of Service