Family Wellbeing Counseling






9 Territories of Ferus Tel

Each pointing you toward a unique complex of moods (Personas) that make up a temporary identity.


Here you will find the 54 Personas of FERUS TEL,

categorized under the Territories to which they belong.

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Rainforest Personas heed the Hero’s Call for


The Flawless Snobs

How can I hug the whole world?

Dancing and dodging, I tap the top options

Fate makes a friend who supports to the end

Made lacking mercy, the tongue lasher

Succumb, let reign, love's lonely aftertaste

Reveal the magnificent, rest in beauty

These Personas heed both the Hero’s Call for RESOLVE and the Giver’s Call of SERVICE

The Magnanimous Nitpickers

Made lacking mercy, the tongue lasher

Dancing and dodging, I tap the top options

Reveal the magnificent, rest in beauty

Made lacking mercy, the tongue lasher

Demand to be pet in the settled direction

Reveal the magnificent, rest in beauty

Catastrophe, hate, in your head

Succumb, let reign, love's lonely aftertaste

Enchant, silhouette, you're what's absent instead

Catastrophe, hate, in your head

Buffet with bluster and bluff, slightly blithe

Enchant, silhouette, you're what's absent instead

Canyon Personas heed the Giver’s Call of


The Nurturing Neurotics

Catastrophe, hate, in your head

Demand to be pet in the settled direction

Enchant, silhouette, you're what's absent instead

With blistering, skinning abandon

Buffet with bluster and bluff, slightly blithe

Stick bits together, an intimate truce

These Personas heed both the Giver’s Call of SERVICE and the Magician’s Call for SUCCESS

The Comforting Prey

With blistering, skinning abandon

Demand to be pet in the settled direction

Stick bits together, an intimate truce

With blistering, skinning abandon

Grifting a bit, and adrift, with devotion

Stick bits together, an intimate truce

Too small to move mountains, that's dangerous

Buffet with bluster and bluff, slightly blithe

To slink with the effortless grace of a climber

Too small to move mountains, that's dangerous

Sneak like a secret—devise your escape

To slink with the effortless grace of a climber

Tundra Personas heed the Magician’s Call for


The Outstanding Scapegoats

Too small to move mountains, that's dangerous

Grifting a bit, and adrift, with devotion

To slink with the effortless grace of a climber

Eyes wide as suns, burning bright all alone

Sneak like a secret—devise your escape

Summon thy kin, disarm, and den

These Personas heed both the Magician’s Call for SUCCESS and the Artist’s Call for AUTHENTICITY

The Achieving Saboteurs

Made lacking mercy, the tongue lasher

Sneak like a secret—devise your escape

Reveal the magnificent, rest in beauty

Made lacking mercy, the tongue lasher

Tides turn, exposing breadth of the shallows

Reveal the magnificent, rest in beauty

Eyes wide as suns, burning bright all alone

Listen up, listen up, listen up, all

Summon thy kin, disarm, and den.

Eyes wide as suns, burning bright all alone

Grifting a bit, and adrift, with devotion

Summon thy kin, disarm, and den.

Wetlands Personas heed the Artist’s Call for


The Visionary Imposters

Made lacking mercy, the tongue lasher

Listen up, listen up, listen up, all

Reveal the magnificent, rest in beauty

With blistering, skinning abandon

Tides turn, exposing breadth of the shallows

Stick bits together, an intimate truce

These Personas heed both the Artist’s Call for AUTHENTICITY and the Sage’s Call for WISDOM

The Profound Vagabonds

With blistering, skinning abandon

Listen up, listen up, listen up, all

Stick bits together, an intimate truce

With blistering, skinning abandon

Delicate probing, exploring transfixed

Stick bits together, an intimate truce

Lingering smarts, so just look away

Tides turn, exposing breadth of the shallows

Forces focused, aligned, intelligent

Lingering smarts, so just look away

Ravenous, clinging, embracing of ruin

Forces focused, aligned, intelligent

Ocean Personas heed the Sage’s Call for


The Sovereign Hermits

Lingering smarts, so just look away

Delicate probing, exploring transfixed

Forces focused, aligned, intelligent

Absent entanglement, floating

Ravenous, clinging, embracing of ruin

Happily danced, finding balance in play

These Personas heed both the Sage’s Call for WISDOM and the Orphan’s Call for BELONGING

The Meticulous Castaways

Absent entanglement, floating

Delicate probing, exploring transfixed

Happily danced, finding balance in play

Absent entanglement, floating

Lightly touched from above the fray

Happily danced, finding balance in play

Twitchy, alert, oh so timidly trespassing

Ravenous, clinging, embracing of ruin

Realize your strength to regain your composure

Twitchy, alert, oh so timidly trespassing

Entrench and bite to access disaster

Realize your strength to regain your composure

Boreal Personas heed the Orphan’s Call for


The Trustworthy Paranoids

Twitchy, alert, oh so timidly trespassing

Lightly touched from above the fray

Realize your strength to regain your composure

Eyes wide as suns, burning bright all alone

Entrench and bite to access disaster

Summon thy kin, disarm, and den.

These Personas heed both the Orphan’s Call for BELONGING and the Explorer’s Call for JOY

The Exalting Sycophants

Eyes wide as suns, burning bright all alone

Lightly touched from above the fray

Summon thy kin, disarm, and den.

Eyes wide as suns, burning bright all alone

Beliefs manifest such intriguing ideas

Summon thy kin, disarm, and den.

How can you hug the whole world?

Entrench and bite to access disaster

Fate makes a friend who supports to the end

How can you hug the whole world?

Leap without looking while flailing, unleashed

Fate makes a friend who supports to the end

Islands Personas heed the Explorer’s Call for


The Enthralling Hedonists

How can you hug the whole world?

Beliefs manifest such intriguing ideas

Fate makes a friend who supports to the end

Absent entanglement, floating

Leap without looking while flailing, unleashed

Happily danced, finding balance in play

These Personas heed both the Explorer’s Call for JOY and the Ruler’s Call for DIGNITY

The Regaling Daredevils

Absent entanglement, floating

Beliefs manifest such intriguing ideas

Happily danced, finding balance in play

Absent entanglement, floating

Handled too careless, a crumpling dash

Happily danced, finding balance in play

Catastrophe, hate, in your head

Leap without looking while flailing, unleashed

Enchant, silhouette, you're what's absent instead

Catastrophe, hate, in your head

Loiter, stampede; later practice your gallop

Enchant, silhouette, you're what's absent instead

Savanna Personas heed the Ruler’s Call for


The Valiant Adversaries

Catastrophe, hate, in your head

Handled too careless, a crumpling dash

Enchant, silhouette, you're what's absent instead

Lingering smarts, so just look away

Loiter, stampede; later practice your gallop

Forces focused, aligned, intelligent

These Personas heed both the Ruler’s Call for DIGNITY and the Innocent’s Call for PURPOSE

The Abiding Mercenaries

Lingering smarts, so just look away

Handled too careless, a crumpling dash

Forces focused, aligned, intelligent

Lingering smarts, so just look away

Broken beneath yet gathering speed

Forces focused, aligned, intelligent

Twitchy, alert, oh so timidly trespassing

Looking within and confronting the future

Realize your strength to regain your composure

Twitchy, alert, oh so timidly trespassing

Loiter, stampede; later practice your gallop

Realize your strength to regain your composure

Alpine Personas heed the Innocent’s Call for



The Steadfast Toilers

Twitchy, alert, oh so timidly trespassing

Broken beneath yet gathering speed

Realize your strength to regain your composure

Too small to move mountains, that's dangerous

Looking within and confronting the future

To slink with the effortless grace of a climber

These Personas heed both the Innocent’s Call for PURPOSE and the Hero’s Call for RESOLVE

The Galvanized Recluses

Too small to move mountains, that's dangerous

Broken beneath yet gathering speed

To slink with the effortless grace of a climber

Too small to move mountains, that's dangerous

Dancing and dodging, I tap the top options

To slink with the effortless grace of a climber

How can I hug the whole world?

Succumb, let reign, love's lonely aftertaste

Fate makes a friend who supports to the end

How can I hug the whole world?

Looking within and confronting the future

Fate makes a friend who supports to the end

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