Defense Mechanisms
Defense Mechanisms arise to allow incompatible Moods to coexist.
Escalator Moods seldom resonate well with other Moods. Thus they require Defenses as part of their interaction with others.
Select the specific Escalator Mood most associated with each Defense Mechanism to learn more about it.
Denial is a Major Defense Mechanism that allows us to keep the presence of overwhelming Moods entirely hidden from awareness, thus creating space for less intense Moods to make their presence felt.
Denial can be active as a barrier between any Moods. (One can deny one’s Suspicious feelings in order to access the Trust needed to dance the Salsa with a stranger) But using a Major Defense like Denial between everyday Moods that are meant to converse with one another will usually spell trouble (“Why didn’t I listen to my Suspicions from the beginning before getting into this mess?”)
Denial is best reserved for those special Moods that can tend to run us over like a Mack Truck.
The Stoat Mood of Deprived is all consuming in that it operates with profound fearlessness in facing sensations of overwhelming Shame and overwhelming Rage. There are times (like before a good long cry) when a full release into one’s core vulnerability can feel helpful. It’s those times we can turn our focus to our inner Stoat to take us there. It’s an important balancing act to access deeply uncomfortable feelings like Deprived without getting lost in them.
It’s not everyday that we want to succumb to the fury and anguish of our helplessness in life. More often we need a powerhouse Defense like Denial to keep our Stoat at bay in order to let in more socially acceptable responses to shame and rage.