Family Wellbeing Counseling

Eyes wide as suns, burning bright all alone

Lightly touched from above the fray

Summon thy kin, disarm, and den.

How can you hug the whole world?

Entrench and bite to access disaster

Fate makes a friend who supports to the end

  • The energy of the World Tree is composed of the marriage of two PERSONAE: The Guide and the Confidant.

Vector #2

Alchemist’s Crucible

Exploring Dimension, Velocity, and Distance

Via Portals of Human Emotion

    1. Invest in an opportunity to attend a group activity on a regular basis.

    2. Notice what arises within you and between others in the group.

    3. As progress in the group ensues, refer to World Tree slides to identify the parts you play with others.

    4. The nine Acts depicted here, though not conclusive, may help to unlock hidden patterns and stages of awakening that occur as you evolve your Group Self.


Now that you have embodied the World Tree in your experience of Group Selfhood,

you are a fateful friend to those outside your reach, having touched and healed the nature of thy kin.

Deepen your Emotional Intelligence

By attaining Conviction of Selfhood.

Proceed to Vector #8 The Spiral of Growth