The Quest of the CRADLE features the Porcupine and the Meerkat as the front facing aspects of The Sympathizer and The Rescuer personae. These FERA are the sensitive ones. Eyes wide as saucers, their apertures for taking in the world’s suffering are noticeably expanded. Porcupine is defenseless and about to throw themself deep into the fray while Meerkat seeks a more cautious stance. Both remain extremely vulnerable to the travails of others. You can expect the activity of their shared Quest to be deeply immersive.
Your Porcupine/Meerkat energies are wired to respond deeply to every single thing the world might throw your way. This tendency toward empathic reactivity directs you into a nurturing role for many who are overwhelmed by their feelings.
What you cradle
Comes to cradle you
Tool #2
The Cradle
Notice and empathize with the TELs around you.
Pick three Tels that you observe occurring in your habitat and match them to your own vocal and postural Tels within.
Empathizing with your environment allows you to touch upon core Tels that are being activated within your external world. Pay close attention to the TELs of the gut, head, and heart that flow around you. Practice detecting them. In the end, you will have expanded access to the broader forces at play on you and others.
Notice the physical mood of the particular geography surrounding you right now. Identify the qualities of rock, plant life, and water that are cradling you and others near you.
By engaging with evocative material that lies latent in the Tels of your surroundings you will come to observe new ways to approach and resolve underlying problems.
Pause before responding and allow for intuitive tones and postures to emerge reflective of your insights into the habitat you share.
5 TELs of the GUT
(Dimension - Mineral Texture and Air Temperature)
Pay attention first to the temperature above and mineral composition below. Is it hotter than yesterday? A chill requiring maybe another layer? And what is going on with the rocks? Mountains nearby? Is the ground made of concrete or of shifting sands beneath your weight? Temperature and Mineral Textures are contributing factors of a baseline dimensionality that holds you in place here. Choose a rock image that matches the combined feeling of these dimensional factors of rock and air. We call them Tels of the Gut because they will resonate in the belly area of your body. Choose one image to match the multiple physical elements effecting the dimensions of your day.
5 TELs of the HEAD
(Velocity - Foliage Density and Wind Speed)
Next pay attention to the velocity of the wind and density of foliage nearby. How do they enfold you and what is the speed of their movements? Is it a time of growth or decay? More than external curiosities, these are the determinants of your sense of time’s duration. A brisk wind shaking the tree line stirs the mind to leap by each second, grasping for footholds where you can. Dormant air hovering over unshaken grasses, allow those same seconds to stretch and settle lazily upon your skin, inviting a nap. Called Tels of the Head because of their powerful resonance with the thinking mind, choose an image that comes close enough to capturing the plant cover and wind velocity at play in your day.
5 TELs of the HEART
(Distance - Water Proximity and Humidity)
Lastly resonate with the water or lack thereof within your reach. Include in your assessment the humidity of the air that touches your teeth with the passage of each breath. Water is the grand joiner between the separateness that haunts all physicality. Here on earth, water is the medium by which we bridge all distances. How much is accessible today? How does your aloneness feel? Swimming in the ocean or walking in a dry wasteland offers two unique apertures to that loneliness. Water is that vehicle of self knowledge when it comes to the Tels of the Heart, how included or excluded are we in our experience of the Us. Which image speaks to the interconnectedness of objects around you?
Every FERA mood is also comprised of 3 environmental TELs.
Select one expressing the mood of your environment as felt within.
Now that you have noticed the environmental layer within your immediate mood,
Observe the cultural influences that shape your general demeanor
Proceed to Tool #3 Lay Your Snare