Family Wellbeing Counseling

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Oceans of Sagesse

The Calling of Wisdom

All Moods are fleeting but you would make an integrated home for six of them.

The Vagabonds

Avoidance is the only avenue for these two Fera to express their fearful experiences of the world.

Residents at the Clam Beds of Serre

The impulse to avoid all things ends dramatically with the arrival of two superior clingers.

The Surf Riders

It’s not that the fear of the world has resolved, but expressed now as sheer enticement for deeper understanding.

Personas of Wisdom

Driven by the imperative to Be Smart, these “three mood combos” help to reconcile opposing moods.

The Know It All

Absent entanglement, floating

The heavy oceans of knowledge embedded within could secure your place among likeminded friends, or just as easily take you beyond all reach.

The Know It All casts his lot by holding to truth itself, accepting whatever the cost.

Ravenous clinging, embracing of ruin

Happily danced, finding balance in play

The Genius

Lingering smarts, so just look away

At the core of the Genius Persona is the strong pull towards isolation.

With pure curiosity mediating that separateness and drawing the outside world in, a new interface is established for depth and connection.

Delicate probing, exploring transfixed

Forces start focusing, aligned, intelligent