Personas are the interactive roles we play in the world. We do this by embodying three FERUS at once:
an Insulating FERA (black border) ,
an Escalating FERA (red border),
managed by a Resonating FERA (white border) that sits between the two.
Exquisite music demands educated ears.
The skilled conductor turns to address a tone deaf audience
and delivers to them the elusive paths of resonance they require.
This Persona arises in a counter intuitive response to the instinct for Intimacy. Until you free yourself of its hold, you will experience yourself in the grip of its cause to be a
Liminal Technician
Focusing passion betwixt realities in an otherwise reserved existence
Self Inquiry for the Genius
The urge to withdraw is necessary for something truly worth sharing to be discovered - how then to transmute the immutable into common knowledge? My mind is an unrelenting taskmaster that serves two masters, the sublime and the ridiculous. At the foundation of this service lies the perplex potential of a human/divine communion. Behaving as a Genius gives me a many tentacled approach to sharing life’s ineffable treasures. When I fail to integrate both the shy and engaged parts of myself, I can end up overwhelming beloved others with my sensitivities.
When feeling Withdrawn, what are its messages?
In my Curiosity, I am drawn toward ….
When Engaged with others I feel…
If acting the role of a Genius no longer serves my desire for Wisdom, I may swap out parts of this Persona and assume a new Persona while still addressing integral emotions.
Personas that utilize the spirit of my Fascinated Octopus
Personas that help me reconcile between my Despondent Manatee and Engaged Dolphin
The Genius shares a common aspiration to be Sovereign with the Know It All.
Together they give access to the Quest of the Anchor.