• Territories are shown as nine interlocking ecosystems in the Menagerie. Each Territory is inhabited by six specific Animal Moods joined together in a shared True Self Quest.

    Some quests are given to us by our ancestors as Imperatives. Other quests are chosen and can lead us toward unique Territories within where we establish our most meaningful stories.

    Game Play involves reflecting on the specific Moods inhabiting a chosen Territory and considering ways to integrate their varied sensibilities.

    When you arrive at a sense of homeostasis with the six animal moods of a chosen True Self Territory, a new sense of integrated Consciousness emerges.

    True Self is the very personal feeling of accomplishment we experience as certain moods gather in the service of a specific quest.

  • True Self Territory of RESOLVE

    Inhabited by Six Animals Associated with Ones on the Enneagram

    Quest is to integrate spectrum of Animal Moods from Mean Toad to Kind Elephant

  • True Self Territory of HUMILITY

    Inhabited by Six Animals Associated with Twos on the Enneagram

    Quest is to integrate spectrum of Animal Moods from Indignant Condor to Generous Beaver

  • True Self Territory of HOPE

    Inhabited by Six Animals Associated with Threes on the Enneagram

    Quest is to integrate spectrum of Animal Moods from Languishing Shrew to Secure Tundra Wolf

  • True Self Territory of AUTHENTICITY

    Inhabited by Six Animals Associated with Fours on the Enneagram

    Quest is to integrate spectrum of Animal Moods from Deprived Stoat to Optimistic Fawn

  • True Self Territory of WISDOM

    Inhabited by Six Animals Associated with Fives on the Enneagram

    Quest is to integrate spectrum of Animal Moods from Indifferent Jelly Fish to Engaged Dolphin

  • True Self Territory of BELONGING

    Inhabited by Six Animals Associated with Sixes on the Enneagram

    Quest is to integrate spectrum of Animal Moods from Inferior Hare to Composed Brown Bear

  • True Self Territory of JOY

    Inhabited by Six Animals Associated with Sevens on the Enneagram

    Quest is to integrate spectrum of Animal Moods from Smug Python to Attuned Sea Otter

  • True Self Territory of DIGNITY

    Inhabited by Six Animals Associated with Eights on the Enneagram

    Quest is to integrate spectrum of Animal Moods from Despondent Manatee to Passionate Fruit Bat

  • True Self Territory of PURPOSE

    Inhabited by Six Animals Associated with Nines on the Enneagram

    Quest is to integrate spectrum of Animal Moods from Anxious Wood Thrush to Sanguine Snow Leopard