Family Wellbeing Counseling



Jelly Fish

The Tels of Bored

Bored JellyFish.png

Tels, revealed on back of card, show levels of Rock, Vegetation, and Water that give insights to the inner workings of the Jelly Fish and connect it with other Fera.

Learn more by visiting Tels.

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 Feeling Bored? or Indifferent?

At its base, Bored is relieved by her separateness from others and disgusted by opportunities to engage. She offers no apology for how her presence ruins the party. Ordinary dullness reigns. It is only as her disappointment at the amusement of others is exposed that we see her tentacles of toxicity begin to fan out. When you embody all three states at once you feel not only Bored but Indifferent as well.


Find the Bored Jelly Fish on

My Mood Chart

(helpful tool for all ages)

Learn about Indifferent Jelly Fish

in the Advanced Menagerie.

(a deeper dive into Jelly Fish’s Story)

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