Dolphin’s Story

Intelligence Befriended

Great Forces Aligned

New Worlds To Explore

Flukes, fins, and flippers seem to move of their own accord by the design of some master architect. Dolphin glides the wake of her friends and crests into the atmosphere, sunlight glancing. The call and response echolocating between her pod offers an excited thrall to Dolphin’s waters. What an effortless glide it is when one can see how the whole nurtures the details of its constituent parts.

Occasionally the far seeing eye of the pod doesn’t have the strength required to keep each member safe. Dolphin doesn’t care. Better to die dancing with a crew than to seek safety alone. Carelessness prevails in a ceaseless readiness for play.


Following the Song Lines

An Engaged Mood arises from the sensations of being Poised, Grounded, and Enticed. It carries the special properties of an Insulator.

If you identify with the Dolphin mood of feeling Engaged, you will likely find yourself more intensely connected to other Moods which share those sensations and properties.


Level of Fear -


(New Worlds To Explore)

Resonates with 7 Moods

Level of Shame -


(Intelligence Befriended)

Resonates with 8 Moods

Level of Rage -


(Great Forces Aligned)

Resonates with 7 Moods


Every Insulator Mood has a black background


Insulator Moods, like Engaged, provide comfort and style on the outside while offering inner linings for concealing less appealing moods.

The Shadow arises as an internal opposite of the Insulating Mood. A Shadow will stay hidden for a time but eventually makes its presence known.

The Shadow

of the Engaged Dolphin is the Despondent Manatee

Integrating shadow

Every True Self Quest requires Shadow Work to synthesize splits between opposing parts of the self. This requires the help of specific Resonator moods best suited to act as mediators.

Dive deeper into the stories of Wildebeest and Sea Star to consider how they may serve a synthesizing role in taming your Dolphin and bringing your inner Manatee out of the shadows.

The Quest for Dignity takes place in the Savannah of Werth Territory. There lives the Determined Wildebeest. It is the feeling of Determination that accesses both the Manatee’s observational prowess with the Dolphin’s outward availability.

The Quest for Wisdom takes place in the Sagesse Oceans Territory. There lives the Obsessed Sea Star. It is the feeling of Obsession that accesses the Dolphin’s heedless pluck while embracing Manatee’s instincts for self preservation.