Back to True Self

Imperatives, revealed on one side of card, show the directives given to Artists in childhood. Here you can see the six states that one is tasked to master while pursuing that Imperative. These can lead to a wild assortment of Animal Moods.

True Self Territory, revealed on opposite side of card, indicates a life quest that is chosen freely. The evolved Animal Moods listed here work in concert to bring about the fulfillment of the Artist’s Journey - a life of Truth.

The Imperative of the Artist

Be Honest

As an Artist, you may find yourself naturally organized to be Honest with others.

From the ground up, here are some State Experiences that tend to rule your inner world.

Pay attention to these recurring states and learn to recognize moods that incorporate them.

Select a State Experience to see its various associated Moods.


True Self Territory of Truth

The Onor Wetlands

All Moods are fleeting but you would make an integrated home for six of them.

When you arrive at a sense of homeostasis with the six animal moods of

The Onor Wetlands, you will embody Conscious Truth in your life.

Taming them involves taking a deeper dive in the Advanced Menagerie

and inquiring into how each Mood shows up in your personal experiences.


Critical to a Life of Truth is to have your Provocative Egret collaborate with your Humiliated Shrimp.




Working together, all serve unique roles in an integrated path toward a

Life of Truth


Help your Generous Muskrat interface with its shadow, your Spiteful Toad.




Find the right relationship between your Deprived Stoat and your Optimistic Fawn.

