Jonathan Bartlett MFT
A Little Background
I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with the State of California Board of Behavioral Sciences, MFC License #48223.
I received my M.A. degree in Counseling Psychology from John F. Kennedy University in 2006 through the Holistic Psychology program in Campbell, CA.
In my private practice I operate within the Developmental Model of Couples Therapy; Integrating Attachment, Differentiation, and Neuroscience. My training experience with Hakomi and with the Couples Institute have been formative in this regard.
Counseling encourages the brave work of self inquiry and relational connection.
Your relationships are the touchstones to your personal well being. Our work will take a close look at those bonds - past and present - that continue to influence your present experience. Our weekly interactions provide ongoing opportunities to develop more authentic connections with your own well being and with those most important to you.
The lion’s share of my work as a relational therapist involves assisting individuals to better regulate their relationships with others. If overwhelmed by the needs of others, we focus on practicing setting more effective boundaries. Or, if disturbed by isolation, we practice allowing more vulnerability to show through to increase opportunities for bonding. By paying attention to the patterns apparent in our therapeutic relationship, we can discover clues to broader patterns and explore ways to “adjust the temperature” in order to create better-regulated habits as we return to our families and communities.

What To Expect
Our initial session will be an opportunity for you to address your goals and to explore directly how we might tailor future sessions to meet those goals. If I believe your needs can best be met elsewhere, I will provide a list of referrals for you at this time.
I am currently available for In Person sessions on Tuesdays - Fridays.
I am also available on those days to meet via video conference (Zoom).
Please download and complete:
an Individual or Couples Consent Form,
Client Information Sheet
and bring to your first session.
If attending via Zoom, please also complete
Consent for Video Conference
and mail completed forms to:
Jonathan Bartlett PO Box 458, Redwood Estates, Ca. 95044